RDP: Troubleshooting Remote Desktop Connection issues
Known issue with Windows 10
If you are already signed in on a computer and then try to remote to the same computer without signing out, you will be denied access. If you are on a Windows 10 computer, make certain to sign out of the computer before attempting to remote to it.
If you’re already signed in on your computer (you have not signed out) and attempt to remote to it, and the computer immediately kicks you out. Attempt the following for your Method computer (when you are signed in and have access).
1. Please click Start (Windows 🪟 icon)
2. Type: View Advanced System Settings and open it.
3. Click the Remote tab and click Select Users.
4. Click Add.
(Even though it says your username “already has access” you are going to add it anyway)
5. Type your username and click OK.
6. Click OK.
Once you’ve completed these steps, you should no longer have this issue.
However, if it continues, you can have IT remote to your computer and sign your account out.
This will allow you to remote back, but any files or programs open; will not be saved.
Connect using the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN):
Your computer may not always respond to the “nickname”, you may need to enter the FQDN.
Instead of entering MS137, enter MS137.method.local
If this doesn’t work, there may be a DNS issue, contact IT and we can help you troubleshoot.